Customizing your PartnerStack Marketplace listing and landing pages

  • Updated

Who is this article for?

This article will be useful if you are a company on PartnerStack looking to customize the branding and content of your Marketplace listing. 

In your PartnerStack account, you can add your company contact information, branding specs, and other details.

The information added is applied to items such as your PartnerStack-hosted landing pages and how your program appears in the PartnerStack Marketplace.

Getting started: You must have administrator permissions to customize certain details

What is your program page?

Your program page is a PartnerStack-hosted landing page that partners view when joining your partner program. It provides a high-level look at how your program works and what incentives they can expect to earn when active in your program.

You have a default program page, this is the page partners will see in the PartnerStack Marketplace, and each additional group you create will have a group-specific program page which you can choose to share if you'd like partners to join specific groups.

 The following items on your program pages can be customized from within your PartnerStack dashboard:

  • Company name
  • Website
  • Description
  • Logo
  • Brand color
  • Commissions (set up through offer triggers)

Adding your company's information

The information and branding set in your Company profile is used to automatically customize your default and group program pages. 

To update your Company profile: 

  1.  Log into your PartnerStack account
  2. Select Settings in the menu on the left-hand side
  3. In the Company Profile section, update your company name, details, and branding 2021-03-29_20.49.48.gif

In your settings, you can customize:

  • Company name:
    • Appears on the Marketplace tile, partner dashboard, program page, and application forms.
  • Company website:
  • Phone number:
    • Not shared publicly, stored for internal purposes
  • Fiscal start date:
    • Not shared publicly, stored for internal purposes
  • Company description:
    • A short description of your company, including the product and services provided, the character limit is 255
  • Brand color:
    • Appears as an accent color on the marketplace tile, partner dashboard, program page, and application forms. Select a color with the color picker, or paste in a hex value
  • Logo:
    • Recommended format: Square PNG at 600 x 600 pixels. The minimum required size is 300 x 300 pixels and supported files are JPEG, PNG, or GIF. Include background. Transparent backgrounds will be formatted in grey
    • Appears on the marketplace tile, partner dashboard, program page, and application forms

Finding your group program page URL

You can find each group-specific page and join link in your Groups > Group Settings tab. 

You can find a group's program page URL in your Groups tab by clicking on your desired group, clicking into the Group Settings tab, and clicking "Copy" or "Preview page" 


Program page FAQ section

The other items on your program page, such as the Marketplace category, the FAQs, and the "How this program works" section, cannot currently be customized within your PartnerStack dashboard. If you wish to make changes to those sections, please contact your Customer Success Manager or email

Customizing a program page's photos

To customize the photos that appear on your program page, reach out to PartnerStack support at and provide the photos you would like to use. 

Customizing a program page's offers

By default, the offer displayed on your group-specific program page is the first offer created in the group. On the default program page, it is the first offer created in your default group.

For a variety of reasons, you may not wish for the first offers created to show on all program pages or your Marketplace listing, or you may wish to have more than one offer show there.

Customizing your program page's offers changes the text description displayed on your program page and does not create any offers triggers. Ensure when entering offers on a group program page, that a matching trigger exists for this group.

To customize the offers displayed on your program page:

  1. Log into your PartnerStack account
  2. Select Settings in the menu on the left-hand side
  3. Click into the Program page tab
  4. Select the group you wish to customize the displayed offers for
  5. Enter your desired offers(s). Note: This is a text description only and does not create any offers. Ensure when entering offers on a group program page, that a matching trigger exists for this group
  6. Save your changes by selecting "Save profile" at the bottom of the page


To customize the offer displayed on your Marketplace listing, see Customizing your Marketplace listing below.

Customizing your Marketplace listing

The PartnerStack Marketplace is a place where PartnerStack partners can find partnership opportunities in our network.

Many of the details covered above, such as adding in your brand color, company logo, and description will be applied to your Marketplace listing. To learn more about those options, see Adding your company's information.

When partners join your program from the Marketplace, they will view your default program page. This page provides them helpful information such as what commissions they can expect to earn in your program and how your program works.

If you want to customize the commission offer displayed on your default program page, which is the page partners will view when joining from the Marketplace, see Customizing your program page offers.

There is also the option of customizing your Marketplace tile. This is the promotional block that appears in the PartnerStack Marketplace, as well as the in-app marketplace located in the partner dashboard. It will look similar to this:


Along with the brand color, brand logo, brand name, and description, you can customize the offer incentive on your Marketplace tile as well.

To customize your Marketplace tile offer description:

  1. Log into your PartnerStack account
  2. Select Settings in the menu on the left-hand side
  3. Scroll down to Marketplace listing
  4. In the "Marketplace offer" field, add your offer description
  5. Save your changes by selecting "Save profile" at the bottom of the page

Adding keywords to your Marketplace listing

To increase your Marketplace visibility to searching partners you can select from a list of pre-determined keywords to add your Marketplace listing. The keywords you add to your Marketplace listing are not visible to partners, but allow partners to search keywords to find programs that align with their interests. 

Adding Marketplace keywords:

  1. Log into your PartnerStack account
  2. Select Settings in the menu on the left-hand side
  3. Scroll down to Marketplace listing
  4. Under "Add searchable keywords your listing" click on the drop-down menu
  5. Select your desired keyword
  6. Changes will save automatically

There is no limit to the number of keywords you can add to your listing. 

Removing Marketplace keywords:

  1. Log into your PartnerStack account
  2. Select Settings in the menu on the left-hand side
  3. Scroll down to Marketplace listing
  4. Underneath "Add searchable keywords to help partners find your listing" click the small “x” next to any keyword you wish to remove
  5. Changes will save automatically


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