Who is this article for?
This article will be useful to you if are using PartnerStack to manage your partner program and would like to send announcements to your partners.
Announcements overview
The announcement feature allows you to communicate multiple announcements with your partners by creating a banner with text, an image, and a call to action within the partner dashboard program summary page. You can create an announcement that targets specific groups or segments.
Partners will see a carousel of announcements that automatically flips to the next announcement after 5 seconds. Partners will be able to pause and scroll through announcements.
Announcements key benefits:
- More customization and branding within the partner portal, allowing you to provide a tailored partner experience.
- A way to easily communicate en masse to partners, outside of emails and 1:1 conversations.
- Communication of highlights and important updates with partners in the partner portal allows for the partner portal to be a more robust “one-stop-shop” for partners.
Announcement elements
Announcements will allow you to create one announcement at a time that includes:
- Header (required) - character limit of 75
- Description (required) - character limit of 450
- Audience (required) - choose your target audience. It can be all groups or specific groups. Or you can choose to target all segments or specific segments.
- Image (optional) - The image should be 536x300 or larger (within the same 16:9 aspect ratio) to fit properly in the announcement box. Image file types supported are jpg, gif, and png. Max file size of 25MB
- URL (optional) - for a call to action
Partner's announcement view
When you create an announcement, it is displayed front and center within the partner dashboard on the Program Summary page. It easily surfaces important information that you want your partner to see and gives you the ability to add a hyperlink to provide more information on your own website if desired.
If there are multiple announcements, there will be a carousel of announcements with the most recent announcement appearing first. Partners will be able to pause and scroll through the announcements on their own.
Publishing announcements
To create an announcement, log into your PartnerStack dashboard and navigate to your Announcements tab.
- Click "Create your first Announcement"
- Enter the required fields (announcement heading, message, and audience) and any optional fields you would like to include
- You can view a preview of your announcement as you create it at the bottom of the page
- When the announcement is set up to your liking, click "Publish announcement"
Draft announcements
If you aren’t ready to publish the announcement but you want to begin preparing the announcement, you can save a draft announcement. These announcements will be available for editing and once you have all of the required fields (heading, message, audience) you’ll be able to publish the announcement.
Deactivating and deleting announcements
Once you’ve published an announcement, you can deactivate the announcement so that it no longer shows as an announcement. To deactivate an announcement, click on a published announcement and click on the gear icon. You will see a Deactivate button.
You can also delete an announcement by clicking on any announcement and clicking on the gear icon. You will see a Delete button.
Editing announcements
You can edit existing announcements and save those changes by clicking on an announcement and editing the content within the fields.
Announcement notifications
After you create a new announcement, partners will receive a notification in their partner dashboard at 5:30 AM EST the following day.
- Partners will not receive a notification if you delete the announcement within the buffer period.
- Partners will not receive a notification if you make edits to a new or existing announcement.
- All announcements you create before 5:30 AM EST the following day will be consolidated and sent out as a single notification.
- Partners will land on your program's summary page when they click an announcement notification.
Best practices
- Post every 1-2 weeks to keep the announcement content fresh
- Post specific announcements to targeted groups or segments if you have content specific to programs
- Post with a new image or gif (stock image is good!) for each post to get the attention of partners
- Include a URL with a call to action so that there is an outcome or action for the partners to engage with and you get results and engagement