Working with partner teams

  • Updated

Who is this article for? This article will be useful to you if you are a company on PartnerStack looking for more information on working with partner teams

What are partner teams?

A partner team is a group of partner members (i.e. colleagues at a company or agency) working together to cooperatively promote and resell products as a collective, rather than as individuals.

A partner team can be comprised of a single team owner, or a team owner, and multiple members with either member, finance, or admin permissions.

All partnerships are under the team owner's PartnerStack account, however, using a partner team allows the owner to invite teammates to collaborate with them on their partnerships. Members have access to the team's partnership programs and have unique logins and referral links.

How partner teams are displayed

In your All Partners tab, Partner column you will see the partner team name, as well as the number of members on the team. The Owner column will display the name and email of the partner team owner.


Clicking on a partner will open the partner detail view which displays the partner team name, number of team members, and team owner. Clicking on the number of partners will quickly link to the “Partner members” section of the partner detail view.

Here, you can view all partner team members, their roles, and their last active date. The list of members can be searched by name or email.


Clicking on an individual member will display the member’s progress through training courses (if applicable), and give you the option to message the partner member directly.

Messaging a partner team, and individual members

You can message a team of partners in a group message, or message an individual member directly.

To message all members on a team, click on the team from your All Partners tab and click “Message team” to open a group message 

To message an individual member, click into the team, and in the Partner members section, click on the individual partner you would like to message. From the member detail view, click “Message member” to message the individual member.

Team roles and permissions

There are four permission levels for partner team members with different preset and customizable permissions. Partner team owners and admin can manage team member's roles and permissions. Team member roles and permissions can not be changed from the company dashboard on behalf of the partner team owner to ensure the owner has full control over their partner team.

Owner: The creator of the partner team and overall owner of the partnership. The team owner has full admin access and can withdraw commissions. It is possible to reassign the team owner, however, this can only be done by the current team owner.

Admin: A teammate with permission to contribute referrals and edit the partner team. Admins cannot withdraw commissions.

Both owners & admin can:

  • Invite new or existing PartnerStack users to their team
  • Remove team members
  • Promote team members to team admins
  • Control partner team configuration
  • Join new programs
  • Accept the terms and conditions of the partner teams' programs

Member: Members can contribute referrals, but cannot join new programs, edit the partner team or withdraw commissions. 

Finance team member: The finance team member can view and withdraw commissions.

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Inviting partners to a new or existing partner team

From your All Partners > Invite Partners tab you can invite a new partner team (owner and members) or can invite individual members to join an existing team (the invitation will first be sent to the team owner to approve).

Please ensure when creating a new team that you confirm which contact should be set as the team owner. Once set, a partner team ownership can only be changed by the current owner on file.

For more information on inviting a new partner team, or partner members see the Inviting, removing, moving and updating partners support guide.

Note: only partner team owners and admin can accept an invite on behalf of their partner team.

If you send an invite to a new partner and they receive a message that they cannot accept the invite due to their permission level, ask that they have the team owner or an admin change their permission level to "Admin", or invite the partner team owner to your program.

Partner teams & links

Partner team members each have access to their own, individual link. Partner team members will not have access to the same link as their other team members. This ensures link activity can be tracked to the team member who drove the activity.

Team members will have the same link destination but the link customization/text must be unique to ensure accurate activity tracking.

For more information on how default, individual and custom links apply to partner team members see the Creating default, individual and secondary links for partners support guide.


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