Who is this article for?
This article will be useful to you if you are a partner on PartnerStack looking to use Reporting to get an in-depth look at how your partnerships are performing and where your commissions are coming from.
Reporting gives you the ability to view and download comprehensive data on your earned commissions, where the commissions are coming from, and a lot more. This can help you learn what is working well and what isn't so that you can improve your performance.
To find Reporting, log into your PartnerStack account and click the "Reporting" tab in your top menu bar.
If you're looking for statistics specific to one of your programs, check out your program's Performance tab.
Reporting dashboard overview
The Reporting tab consists of new performance reports and old legacy reports:
- The partnership performance report provides a centralized view of key performance metrics associated with each partnership. It enables you to track and analyze metrics such as clicks, signups, paid customers, revenue, and commissions.
- The link performance report provides detailed insights into the performance of your links across all partnerships. It tracks downstream data from clicks within the specified timeframe, capturing customer actions, transactions, and commissions generated by those clicks.
- Overview (legacy report) provides a quick look at important program statistics.
- Commissions (legacy report) provides insights into where your commissions are coming from.
As part of ongoing improvements to PartnerStack, legacy reports will be depreciated in 2025. We encourage all partners to transition to using the new reporting framework to take advantage of enhanced features and capabilities as they are released over the coming months.
Partnership performance report
The partnership performance report provides a centralized view of key performance metrics associated with each partnership. It enables you to track and analyze metrics such as clicks, signups, paid customers, revenue, and commissions.
Partnership performance report columns:
- Partnership: The unique name of the partnership
- Partnerships status: The current status of the partnership, e.g., "Active" (ongoing partnership) or "Program Ended" (concluded partnership)
- Measure date (Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year): The timeframe when the events occurred
- Team member: The member of your team that drove this click, customer, transaction, etc.
- Clicks: The number of clicks within the specified timeframe
- Unique clicks: The number of distinct clicks within the specified timeframe
- Signups: The number of customers created within the specified timeframe
- Paid customers: The number of paying customers within the specified timeframe
- Transactions: The number of completed transactions
- Revenue: The total amount of money earned through completed transactions
- Pending commissions: The total commissions earned but not yet approved or those approved but awaiting payment.
- Paid commissions: The total commissions that have been approved and paid.
Partnership performance groupings
Grouping your partnership performance report allows you to focus on specific metrics you would like to dive into. You can apply up to two levels of grouping at a time to gain deeper insights.
The partnership performance report can be grouped by the following categories:
- Group by Partnership to evaluate performance metrics based on individual partnerships.
- Group by Team member to assess the performance and contributions of individual team members.
- Group by Measure date (Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year): to identify performance trends over different periods.
Link performance report
The Link performance report allows you to generate insightful reports on your affiliate, referrer links, and landing page performances. You can analyze data such as clicks, unique clicks, signups, paid customers, transactions, revenue, pending commissions, and paid commissions.
Link performance report columns:
- Partnership: The unique name of the partnership.
- Link: The unique tracking link provided by the partnership program.
- Landing page: The webpage where your link directs potential customers.
- Referrer page: The webpage where you have placed your link to drive traffic.
- Team member: The member of your team that drove this click, customer, transaction, etc.
- Click date: The timeframe when the events occurred.
- Clicks: The number of clicks within the specified timeframe.
- Unique clicks: The number of distinct clicks within the specified timeframe.
- Signups: The number of customers created within the specified timeframe.
- Paid customers: The number of paying customers within the specified timeframe.
- Transactions: The number of completed transactions.
- Revenue: The total amount of money earned through completed transactions.
- Pending commissions: The total commissions earned but not yet approved or those approved but awaiting payment.
- Paid commissions: The total commissions that have been approved and paid.
Link performance groupings
Grouping your link performance report allows you to focus on specific metrics you would like to dive into. You can apply up to two levels of grouping at a time to gain deeper insights.
The link performance report can be grouped by the following categories:
- Group by Partnership to evaluate performance metrics based on individual partnerships.
- Group by Link to analyze performance metrics specific to individual links.
- Group by Landing page to access data based on the landing pages associated with links.
- Group by Landing page full URL to access data based on landing pages, including link parameters.
- Group by Referrer page to view performance metrics based on the pages where links are shared.
- Group by Team member to assess the performance and contributions of individual team members.
- Group by Link click date (Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year): to identify performance trends over different periods.
Using filters, groupings, and sorting
Performance data can be filtered, grouped, and sorted to help you narrow your focus. Filters may vary slightly depending on which report you are viewing, they are designed to enhance your analysis. Multiple filters, groups, and sortings can be selected at once to customize your report further.
Applying filters
- Navigate to your Reporting tab
- Click on the report you wish to explore
- Click on the "Filters" button in the top right corner
- Search and select the filters you wish to apply
- You can apply multiple filters to refine the data
- To modify your filters, you can either clear a single filter or reset all filters at once
Applying groupings
Two grouping levels can be applied at a time for more detailed insights. Available groupings will differ slightly depending on which report you are viewing.
- Navigate to your Reporting tab
- Find the report you wish to explore and click on it
- Click "Group by" in the top right corner
- Select your “Primary grouping”
- Optional: If desired, select your “Secondary grouping”
Sorting columns
Columns can be sorted by ascending and descending by clicking on the column header.
Your performance data can be simultaneously sorted by up to 3 columns at a time to allow you to customize the data shown.
- Navigate to your Reporting tab
- Find the report you wish to explore and click on it
- To sort by multiple columns, hold down the "Shift" key and click on the headers of the columns you want to sort
- Ensure you hold "Shift" while clicking each column header to maintain the sorting across multiple columns
- To undo the multiple-column sorting, simply click on an unselected column header without holding "Shift"; this will revert to single-column sorting
Exporting report data
Data can be exported from your Reporting tab by following the steps below.
- Navigate to your Reporting tab
- Select a report you would like to export
- Apply filters, and groupings and select a specific timer frame (data range)
- Click the three stacked dots in the top right corner
- Click “Export” in the drop-down menu
- You will receive an email within 30 minutes with a link to download CSV
As part of ongoing improvements to PartnerStack, legacy reports will be depreciated in 2025. We encourage all partners to transition to using the new reporting framework to take advantage of enhanced features and capabilities as they are released.
Overview (Legacy report)
The overview (legacy report) gives you a quick look at some important program statistics:
- Unpaid Signups: a count of unpaid customers in the selected timeframe
- Paid Customers: a count of paid customers in the selected timeframe
- Transaction Total: a sum of all transactions (revenue) made by your customers in the selected timeframe
- Commissions Total: a sum of all commissions earned in the selected timeframe
The graph shows the above data points in chart form, by the selected timescale, timeframe, and program. If no filter is applied, it will use monthly as the default timescale and the last 6 months as the default timeframe for all programs you are partnered with.
The dashboard overview table shows the following data:
- Created at date, according to selected timescale and timeframe. Currently, the date shows the first of the month, but it is in reference to all data from that month.
- Leads submitted
- Deals submitted
- Unpaid signups
- Unique paid signups (aka unique customers)
- Transactions
- Commissions (count of commissions)
- Commission total (sum of commissions)
Data in the Dashboard overview updates every 15 minutes.
Filtering the Dashboard overview
The Dashboard overview can be filtered by the following options:
- Time scale: by default, the time scale is monthly. It can be further filtered by date, week, month, quarter, and year.
- Time frame: by default, the frame is in the past six months, but it can be filtered down to a custom time frame
- Program name: you can select one or multiple companies that you are working with, or select none and see data across all programs.
To apply a Reporting overview filter:
- Click on the filter that you would like to customize
- Select your desired filter option from the drop-down menu that appears
- Click the blue refresh arrow to run the data selected and see your report
Commissions overview (legacy report)
The Commissions overview gives insight into where your commissions are coming from. It can be found by clicking on the Commissions tab on the Reporting page.
The bar chart shows the amounts between different payment statuses. It can be toggled by clicking on the labels underneath, similar to the Overview graph.
The table shows all individual line items for each commission earned. To view additional columns, scroll to the right.
At this time, columns cannot be hidden or removed from within the table. If you wish to hide columns, we suggest you download the data and remove the undesired columns in your desired data analysis tool.
Data in the Commissions overview updates every 4 hours.
The following data is included in the Commissions overview table:
- Commission created: date
- Program
- Description: the offer description set up by the company
- Payment status
- Commission status: click here to learn more about commission statuses
- Amount
- Payment date: when the commission became available, estimated if in the future
- Withdrawal date
- Customer name
- Product Key: this will only have data if the company you are working with uses product keys on their transactions
- Sub IDs: to learn more about subIDs click here
- Action: this column will only populate if the company you are working with uses Actions to trigger commissions
Filtering the Commissions overview
The Commissions overview can be filtered by the following data points:
- Commission date: time range
- Customer name: the name must be typed, a dropdown is not available at this time
- Program: the program(s) you would like to view data for
- Sub ID: this will show if you have added sub IDs to your links
- Description: commission description
- Product Key: for the transaction that earned the commission
- Commission Status: pending, approved, declined, hold
- Payment Status: pending approval, funds available, withdrawn, declined
To apply a reporting commissions filter:
- Click on the filter that you would like to customize
- Select your desired filter option from the drop-down menu that appears
- Click the blue refresh arrow to run the data selected and see your report
Exporting your data
If you wish to export your data so that you can create your own reports or charts, you can do so!
To export your data, follow these steps:
- Log in to your PartnerStack account
- Click on Reporting in the top menu bar
- Select the table for the data you want to export (Overview or Commissions)
- Apply any desired filters and click the blue refresh arrow
- Click on the three stacked dots to the right of your filters
- Select "Download", and then select your desired format.