Comprehensive overview of the partner dashboard

  • Updated

Who is this article for?

This article will be useful to you if a program manager and want an overview of what your partners' dashboard entails, and how to navigate it.

How do partners log in and reset their passwords?

Partners can log in to their partner dashboard at using their email and set password, or by using Google sign-in.

If your partner logs in with their email and a password and has forgotten their password, they can request a password reset here.

If your partner has questions about logging in you can provide them with the How to login and how to reset my password support guide, or have them reach out to us at for assistance.

Partner home page view

When your partner first signs into their account they will land on their home page. Here, they can see a list of all their programs, as well as an overview of their activity across all programs.

In the top bar partners can navigate to other sections of their dashboard such as "Commissions", "Reporting", and "Discover partnerships". These tabs will show partners' data from all of their programs. 

In the far right-hand corner of their dashboard partners can select "Your Programs" to switch between their programs, can view their recent notifications, or, they can click on their initial/photo/company logo on the far right to access and their update their account settings. 

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Partner Commissions  tab

 The Commissions tab shows Partners:

  • Their chosen payout provider (PayPal, Stripe, or direct deposit)
  • Their funds available to withdraw, and projected earnings (filterable by timeframe)
  • In the "Commissions" section: pending commissions, commissions available to withdraw, and any declined commissions, including the decline reason
  • In the "Withdrawals" section: a history of their previously paid-out commissions, the associated amounts, and dates paid out


When a Partner first creates an account, they'll need to choose a Payout provider (PayPal, Stripe, or direct deposit) to accept their payments. Our "Adding a payment provider" support guide has more information on how to add each payment provider and details the difference between each.

Once a partner has connected their payout provider, they'll be able to withdraw commissions as they become available. Partners can learn more about the payout schedule and withdrawing their commissions in our "How do I get paid?" support guide.

Partner Reporting tab

Partners can use their "Reporting" tab to get an in-depth look at how all their partnerships are performing and where their commissions are coming from. 


Partners can switch between their "Overview" tab which shows a breakdown of account activity including signups, paid customers, transaction and commission totals, and their "Commmissions" tab which has a detailed breakdown of all their commissions. 

Both the Overview and Commisions data can be filtered so partners can drill down into their data. For more information on filtering the "Reporting" tab check out our Learning more about your performance and commissions support guide.

Partner Discover partnerships tab

The Discover partnerships tab allows partners to browse all companies offering partner programs on PartnerStack. Here, partners can apply to join the PartnerStack Network, and once approved can browse and apply to any program in the PartnerStack Marketplace.

Partners can filter Marketplace programs by category, program type & attributes, and search for a program by name, offer or description. Partners will see a brief description of each program, the offers they have available, and the option to click "Join program" to apply. 

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Learn more about Marketplace here

Partner settings & support

By clicking on their initial/picture/company logo in the top right-hand corner partners can open a drop-down menu that allows them to access:

  • Their partner team and partner team settings
  • Their individual account settings (email, dashboard language, notification settings, create API keys, or manage their postbacks.)
  • FAQ quick link to the PartnerStack support guides
  • Technical support option to chat with our support bot, Patty, and create a support ticket 


Switching between programs

Partners can switch between programs by clicking Your Programs in the top right-hand corner, or by clicking on the desired program from their Home page.


Partner program Summary page

Once a partner clicks into a specific program, they are brought to their program Summary page. This page gives an overview of their partnership including stats, commissions offered by the program, their default referral link (if links are enabled), and recent activity.

On their Summary page partners can see the following stats:

  • Clicks - Unique link clicks their links have received as a whole. PartnerStack does not count multiple clicks from the same user, the click must come from a unique user or device. If links are disabled, they will not see the "clicks" stat to avoid confusion. 
  • Referred - The number of successful signups the partner has referred to your program, regardless of purchases. 
  • Sold - Total revenue of purchases made by the partner's referrals
  • Earned - Sum of commissions the partner has cashed out. If the partner has not cashed out the commissions, the commission will not be included in Earned.
  • Pending - Commissions that are waiting for approval or to be made available for cash out to the partner, but are not available yet.

From their Summary page partners can view more information on, and resources for a specific program by clicking on the tabs on the left-hand side of their screen such as "Links", or "Referrals" etc. 

Note: depending on your program structure, some tabs may not be visible to partners. For example, if you do not have links enabled, the "Links" tab will not be visible, or if you are not using deals, the "Deals" tab will not be visible.

Partner performance tab

The "Performance" tab shows partners a breakdown of their program activity by month or day. Partners can see the number of clicks, customers referred, total revenue sold, commissions paid, and commissions pending based on the date an event occurred. The performance tab will show a partner their activity for one specific program, whereas their "Reporting" tab in the top menu bar will display activity across all their active programs.

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Partner Links tab

In the Links tab partners can view their default link (if enabled), and create custom links (if enabled). Partners can create up to 50 custom links. Learn how your partners can create custom links here. If you have not enabled links, the "Links" tab will not be visible to partners. 

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Partner Customers tab

The Customers tab allows partners to view all customers who have signed up through their referral link(s), as well as customers who have successfully converted from leads or deals (if enabled). 

Partners can then view if their referral has signed up, the date the customer signed up, if the customer has made a purchase, and how much revenue the customer has generated. Learn more about your partners' referrals here.

If leads are enabled, partners can submit a lead by clicking "Submit a Referral". If deals are enabled, a "Deals" tab will appear under Referrals where partners can submit their deals. For more information on deals view our Register and track a deal support guide.

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Partners' Resources tab

The Resources tab allows your partners to access any resources you assign to their group. It will allow them to download any files or materials you set up for them to better promote your product. Learn more about resources here

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Partners' Messages tab

The Messages tab allows you and your partners to communicate directly through your PartnerStack dashboards. You can also set up email campaigns to automatically message your partners based on certain triggers you put in place. 


Adding a custom partner navigation tab

If you wish to customize the partner experience and provide easy access to important resources, you can add a custom partner navigation tab. For more information check out our Customizing your partner portal support guide.

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